
Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Book Spotlight: Fortune’s Wheel, The First Meonbridge Chronicle by Carolyn Hughes; Audiobook Narrator: Alex Lee


How do you recover from the havoc wrought by history's cruellest plague?


It's June 1349. In Meonbridge, a Hampshire manor, many have lost their lives to the Black Death, among them Alice atte Wode’s beloved husband and Eleanor Titherige’s widowed father. Even the family of the manor’s lord and his wife, Margaret de Bohun, has not entirely escaped.


But, now the plague has passed, the people of Meonbridge must work together to rebuild their lives. However, tensions mount between the de Bohuns and their tenants, as the workers realise their new scarceness means they can demand higher wages and dictate their own lives.

When the tensions deepen into violence and disorder, and the men – lord and villagers alike – seem unable to find any resolution, the women – Alice, Eleanor and Margaret – must step forward to find a way out of the conflict that is tearing Meonbridge apart.

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Carolyn Hughes has lived much of her life in Hampshire. With a first degree in Classics and English, she started working life as a computer programmer, then a very new profession. But it was technical authoring that later proved her vocation, word-smithing for many different clients, including banks, an international hotel group and medical instruments manufacturers.

Although she wrote creatively on and off for most of her adult life, it was not until her children flew the nest that writing historical fiction took centre stage. But why historical fiction? Serendipity!

Seeking inspiration for what to write for her Creative Writing Masters, she discovered the handwritten draft, begun in her twenties, of a novel, set in 14th century rural England… Intrigued by the period and setting, she realised that, by writing a novel set in the period, she could learn more about the medieval past and interpret it, which seemed like a thrilling thing to do. A few days later, the first Meonbridge Chronicle, Fortune’s Wheel, was under way.

Six published books later (with more to come), Carolyn does now think of herself as an Historical Novelist. And she wouldn’t have it any other way…

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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Coming ths Winter: AnaRose and Medusa's Curse by Mary Ann Bernal

 In the heart of Athens, an ancient curse is about to be unleashed…

Museum curator AnaRose Preston unveils the newly renovated annex and its crown jewel—a state-of-the-art planetarium. But her routine inspection is cut short when an urgent message from relic hunter Miles Bordel beckons her to Athens. Bordel, notorious for his unscrupulous methods, has unearthed Alexander the Great’s drinking cup, setting off a chain of events that could resurrect an ancient curse.

As Bordel navigates the treacherous waters of the Siwa Oasis and the ruins of Ammon, he crosses paths with Alekos Chloros, the cunning leader of a terrorist faction known as The Macedonians. Chloros seeks the Medusa amulet, a legendary artifact with the power to petrify those who dare gaze upon it. With the discovery of Medusa relics by underwater archaeologists near Alonissos, the race to secure the amulet intensifies.

AnaRose and her assistant Jo plunge into a world of hidden relics and dark secrets. From the bustling streets of Athens to the serene waters of Alonissos, they navigate through treacherous terrain above and below the sea. Their journey is perilous, as they encounter underwater battles, secret war rooms, and the ever-looming threat of the amulet’s curse.

With each chapter, AnaRose and Bordel inch closer to the truth, unraveling a conspiracy that spans continents and centuries. As they confront their adversaries and their own pasts, they must stay one step ahead to prevent the amulet from falling into the wrong hands.

AnaRose and Medusa’s Curse is a thrilling adventure that weaves history, mythology, and suspense into a tapestry of intrigue. Join AnaRose as she confronts the past to secure a future free from the shadows of ancient curses.

 Don’t miss out on this thrilling adventure. Preorder AnaRose and Medusa’s Curse today!

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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Book Spotlight and Excerpt: Under A Cloud by Luv Lubker


Vicky's father, Albert, the Prince Consort, has just died, leaving her and her family under a heavy cloud of grief, without their dearest friend and advisor, at a most critical time: The political horizon grows dark with storm clouds at the entry of Bismarck to Germany's political stage in 1862.

Will Fritz's courage stand the test as he confronts the spider in its web? Is Prussia really fighting for the rights of the Schleswig people, or is so much blood being shed for the sake of Prussia's aggrandizement?

Join Vicky and Fritz on their journeys under the blue cloudless skies of the Mediterranean to the peaceful heather-clad hills of the Highlands of Scotland; to the burning heat of the North African desert to the raging blizzards of a winter war in Denmark.

When Vicky's closest friend disappears, will she be able to keep the secret? Will old enemies prove to be friends, and old friends prove to be enemies?

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Bang! Fritz broke the surface of the water, looking about, startled. He had gone out for a swim daily since their arrival at Putbus. He had been under water, when he was sure he had heard the firing of a gun.

There it was again. Bang! Bang! He scrambled ashore, water streaming over his face as he ran his hand over his hair, and hurried up the beach towards the castle, forgetting his state of undress. He must know what this was about. He crouched down, stepping carefully through the underbrush, not wishing to be seen.

Bang! “Yes! I hit the top one!” he heard Vicky cry. “Can you?” He paused, watching the scene. Vicky had said she would teach Princess Putbus to shoot. He had forgotten about it. Bang! Bang! He watched, feeling a burst of pride as Vicky hit nearly impossible targets.

He was about to call out to her, when he became suddenly very aware of the twigs and brambles scratching at his legs and his bare chest as he crouched in the undergrowth. Water pooled at his feet, dripping heavily from his Schwimmhosen.

“Vicky?” he called softly. She looked around, obviously puzzled where his voice came from. “Vicky!” he called a little louder. She turned in the direction of the path to the beach, obviously expecting his voice to be coming from that direction. “Over here,” he called again.

“Fritz?” she called, hurrying towards him.

“Vicky, tell Princess Putbus not to come,” he said. Vicky paused, returning to her friend who was just starting towards them. She whispered something in her ear, and the Princess returned to the castle.

“Fritz, where are you?” Vicky cried, running back towards the thicket.

“Here.” He waved his arm, making the bush he knelt behind wave about. “I heard your shooting, and had forgotten what you said you would be doing, and wondered what was going on. And – ach! I think I need help getting up. These are digging into my legs. You have a sword with you, too, I see. Will you lend it to me?”

The sword hilt protruded through the bush, and he took it carefully, quickly cutting away some of the sharp branches. He rose, stepping out from behind the bush, but not fully. “I must go back to the beach.”

Vicky doubled over with laughter. “Fritz, it is not like you to forget your clothes,” she giggled.

Luv Lubker

Luv Lubker has lived in the Victorian era half her life, making friends with the Brontë sisters and the extended family of Queen Victoria. Now she knows them quite as well as her own family.

Born in a cattle trough in the Appalachian mountains, Luv lives in Texas – when she comes to the modern world.

When she isn't living in the Victorian era, she enjoys being with her family; making and eating delicious raw food, riding her bike (which she only learned to ride at 25, though she has ridden a unicycle since she was 7), and watching animals – the passion of her childhood.


Luv Lubker


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Monday, July 15, 2024

Book Spotlight: Her Own War by Debra Borchert

As Napoleon Rises from the Ashes of The French Revolution, One Woman Dares to Spy Against Him

Sentenced to eight months in an insane asylum for the crime of impersonating a man, Geneviève LaGarde fears giving birth in a filthy cell will mean certain death for her and her unborn child. Desperate for her release, her husband, Louis, trades his freedom for hers and must join Bonaparte’s army in Egypt.

As Geneviève wages her own war against the tyrannical general, she not only risks her own life but also those of her children and the four hundred families who depend on the Château de Verzat estate. Knowing her desperate actions could cause the government to confiscate the entire vineyard, she sacrifices everything to save her husband and protect the people who become her family.

A captivating tale of the power of love, hope, and courage, and the strength of community. 


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This title will be on #KindleUnlimited for the first 90 days

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Debra Borchert has had many careers: clothing designer, actress, TV show host, spokesperson for high-tech companies, marketing and public relations professional, and technical writer for Fortune 100 companies. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, The Christian Science Monitor, and The Writer, among others. Her short stories have been published in anthologies and independently

A graduate of the Fashion Institute of Technology, she weaves her knowledge of textiles and clothing design throughout her historical French fiction. She has been honored with a Historical Novel Society Editors’ Choice, Publishers Weekly BookLife Editor’s Pick, and many other five-star reviews.

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Twitter: @debraborchert






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Editorial Reviews:

“Fans of historical fiction will find this novel a most captivating read.” Kirkus Reviews

“For fans of Stephanie Dray's The Women of Chateau Lafayette.” —Publishers Weekly BookLife Editor's Pick

A compelling story of love, war, and fierce family loyalty. While the narrative stays true to the social mores of the French Revolutionary era, Borchert gives her readers powerful and active female characters who often cunningly use conventional gender expectations to conceal their real motives and actions. Fans of historical fiction will find this novel a most captivating read.” —Kirkus Reviews

“Readers of historical fiction with a strong current of love and loss will enjoy watching both Louis and Geneviève fight their own battles in hopes of reuniting—and reunifying their ravaged country. Sweeping, passionate portrait of the everyday lives in Bonaparte's France.” —Publishers Weekly BookLife Editor's Pick

“Set against the tumultuous backdrop of war-ravaged France during the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars, the novel masterfully merges historical accuracy with fictional storytelling, plunging readers into an immersive and authentic world. Geneviève's strong-willed nature and unwavering determination make her an intriguing protagonist. Her interactions with others, particularly Louis and Aurélia, reflect themes of resilience, human connection, and the complexities of personal relationships. The dialogue crackles with wit and the smooth pacing and the tight plotting keep readers invested. Simply un-put-downable.” —The Prairies Book Review

“With meticulous attention to detail, Borchert grounds her portrayal of wartime experiences in historical context and realism, drawing upon thorough research and actual events to vividly depict the trials of the era. Throughout, the book explores a myriad of themes, such as family, identity, resilience, human connection, and the complexities of personal relationships while raising questions about the price of war, the boundaries of morality, and the impact of violence on individuals and communities. An absolute stunner.” —BookView Review

“The divisive tragedy of war pulls a fearless fighter from the vineyard to the front lines in Her Own War by Debra Borchert, a gripping and lyrical work of historical fiction.” —SPR

Friday, July 12, 2024

Book Spotlight: Courage of the Conquered by Anna Chant


All the wonders of the Mediterranean have not prepared the English for the splendours of Constantinople. As Siward of Gloucester settles into the city, he is grateful to have finally found what he was looking for: A fine, god-fearing lord he is proud to serve and a safe place where he and Oswyth can await the birth of their child.


But as the months pass, doubts creep in. Emperor Michael proves to be a weak ruler, continually threatened with rebellion. Determined to keep the English army close, his promises of reward grow increasingly vague.


With tension in the city rising, Siward and his friends are caught up in the power struggle. While Bridwin maintains his loyalty to the emperor and Siward continues to trust in the friendship of the cunning Alexios Komnenos, Frebern grows close to John Bryennios, a man whose ambitions may include the imperial throne itself. With the friends drawn in different directions, Siward fears they could find themselves fighting on opposing sides.


Desperate to escape, he renews his efforts to find the home the English have so long craved. But the beauty of Constantinople conceals dangers that go far beyond Siward’s fears as sordid secrets and ruthless betrayal stalk the lives of those he holds dear.


As the English prepare for battle yet again, will Siward’s quest for New England end in heart-breaking tragedy?


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 This title is available to read on #KindleUnlimited.

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Anna Chant grew up in Essex, with her first home a tiny medieval cottage. Aged 18 she moved to Yorkshire to study history at the University of Sheffield. In 2015, inspired by her love of medieval history and her Scottish ancestry, Anna started writing her first book with Kenneth’s Queen, the tale of the unknown wife of Kenneth Mac Alpin, published the following year. Taking inspiration from both history and legend, she particularly enjoys bringing to life the lesser known people, events and folklore of the past. When not writing, Anna enjoys walking the coast and countryside of Devon where she lives with her husband, three sons (if they’re home) and a rather cheeky bearded dragon.

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Thursday, July 11, 2024

Book Spotlight: The Sea Witch Voyages (Series) by Helen Hollick


Trouble follows Captain Jesamiah Acorne like a ship’s wake...

The early 1700s: from the sun of the Caribbean to the eerie mists of England’s Exmoor in Devon, the Sea Witch Voyages follow the adventures (misadventures?) of Captain Jesamiah Acorne. Orphaned at almost fifteen Jesamiah escaped his home in Virginia and the bullying of his half-brother to join with his father’s old friend, Captain Malachias Taylor – a kindly man, but also a rogue of a pirate.

Jesamiah eventually captains his own ship, but at Cape Town, South Africa, he is to meet the girl who becomes the love of his life – Tiola Oldstagh, a midwife, healer... and a White Witch with the gift of Craft.

Accepting amnesty from Governor Woodes Rogers of Nassau, Jesamiah turns to a legal, married, life, except various governors, ex-lovers, bad-tempered pirates, lingering ghosts and other non-human entities seem to have different ideas.

Jesamiah Acorne: a swashbuckling amalgamation of Hornblower, Jack Aubrey and Jack Sparrow mixed with Indiana Jones, James Bond and Bernard Cornwell’s Richard Sharpe.

Voyage with Jesamiah aboard Sea Witch and sail into the ocean realm of fast-paced, exciting nautical adventures...

 Buy Links: 

Titles on #KindleUnlimited: When the Mermaid Sings and Gallows Wake
Universal Amazon Author Page Link:
Individual Universal links:
Sea Witch – Voyage 1:
Pirate Code – Voyage 2:
Bring It Close – Voyage 3:
Ripples In The Sand – Voyage 4:
On The Account – Voyage 5:
Gallows Wake – Voyage 6:
When The Mermaid Sings – a prequel novella:

First accepted for traditional publication in 1993, Helen became a USA Today Bestseller with her historical novel, The Forever Queen (titled A Hollow Crown in the UK) with the sequel, Harold the King (US: I Am The Chosen King) being novels that explore the events that led to the Battle of Hastings in 1066. Her Pendragon’s Banner Trilogy is a fifth-century version of the Arthurian legend, and she writes a nautical adventure/supernatural series, The Sea Witch Voyages. She has also branched out into the quick read novella, 'Cosy Mystery' genre with her Jan Christopher Mysteries, set in the 1970s, with the first in the series, A Mirror Murder incorporating her, often hilarious, memories of working as a library assistant. The fifth in the series, A Memory Of Murder, was published in May 2024.

Her non-fiction books are Pirates: Truth and Tales and Life of A Smuggler. She is currently writing about the ghosts of North Devon for Amberley Publications, and Jamaica Gold for her Sea Witch Voyages.

Recognised by her stylish hats, Helen attends conferences and book-related events when she can as a chance to meet her readers and social-media followers, although her ‘wonky eyesight’ as she describes her condition of Glaucoma, and severe arthritis is becoming a little prohibitive for travel.

She lives with her family in an eighteenth-century farmhouse in North Devon with their dogs and cats, while on the farm there are showjumper horses, fat Exmoor ponies, an elderly Welsh pony, geese, ducks and hens. And several resident ghosts.

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What Amazon readers say about Sea Witch:

“WOW! I was mesmerised from the very first words in the very first chapter. I felt I was actually there with Jesamiah and his fellow pirates; such was the reality of the story. I could almost smell the sea, feel the wind blowing and hear the sounds of the creaking ship.”

“I was very impressed with the attention to historical detail and the alluring descriptions of the sea and its sailing ships. The author confesses that she has taken a few liberties with history to make her story neat and tidy, but I think these are entirely justified for the sake of such a compelling tale.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed this well-told tale. Helen Hollick has created a terrific, likable rogue in Jesamiah Acorne; a young man with a dark past and very bright future - if he survives to enjoy it. Details about the age of sail, life on board and ashore, and the sense that sea has a special, sinister life of its own added to the pleasure of reading. I shall be following this series from now on. Great stuff!”

“Helen Hollick's forte is her ebullient imagination. Everything is original, from her writing, which is vivid and yet as economical as conversational French, where unnecessary words (‘the’, ‘and’) are dropped for fluency. Notable is the lavish use of the color blue, so expensive and cherished at the time, that the cheeky blue of Jesamiah's ribbons is almost eclipsed by the sheer arrogance of painting his ship -- Sea Witch -- the same blue that was the prerogative of monarchs and prelates! And there are wonderful jokes, snitched from real history, such as the raid of a merchant ship by a crew of pirates who merely needed a haul of hats. This book is strongly recommended for young adults who want a rousing story, and also for those who are older who want a thought-provoking new approach to the traditional pirate yarn.”

Authors’ endorsements:

“Helen Hollick has it all! She tells a great story, gets her history right and writes consistently readable books!” ~ Bernard Cornwell

“A wonderful swashbuckler of a novel. Fans of Pirates of the Caribbean will love this to pieces of eight.” ~ Elizabeth Chadwick

“In the sexiest pirate competition Cpt. Jesamiah Acorne gives Johnny Depp's Jack Sparrow a run for his money.” ~ Sharon K. Penman

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Book Spotlight: The Virgins of Venice by Gina Buonaguro. Audiobook narrator: Carlotta Brentan


In sixteenth-century Venice, one young noblewoman dares to resist the choices made for her


Venice in 1509 is on the brink of war. The displeasure of Pope Julius II is a continuing threat to the republic, as is the barely contained fighting in the countryside. Amid this turmoil, noblewoman Justina Soranzo, just sixteen, hopes to make a rare love marriage with her sweetheart, Luca Cicogna. Her hopes are dashed when her father decides her younger sister, Rosa, will marry in a strategic alliance and Justina will be sent to the San Zaccaria convent, in the tradition of aristocratic daughters. Lord Soranzo is not acting only to protect his family. It’s well known that he is in debt to both his trading partners and the most infamous courtesan in the city, La Diamante, and the pressure is closing in.


After arriving at the convent, Justina takes solace in her aunt Livia, one of the nuns, and in the growing knowledge that all is not strictly devout at San Zaccaria. Justina is shocked to discover how the women of the convent find their own freedom in what seems to her like a prison. But secrets and scandals breach the convent walls, and Justina learns there may be even worse fates for her than the veil, if La Diamante makes good on her threats.


Desperate to protect herself and the ones she loves, Justina turns to Luca for help. She finds she must trust her own heart to make the impossible decisions that may save or ruin them all.


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Gina Buonaguro is the co-author of The Wolves of St. PetersCiao Bella and The Sidewalk Artist, as well as several romance titles under the name Meadow Taylor. The Virgins of Venice is her first solo novel.

She has a BA in English from Villanova University in Pennsylvania and earned an MA in English from the University of British Columbia while on a Fulbright Scholarship. Born in New Jersey, Gina Buonaguro lives in Toronto.

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Monday, July 8, 2024

Book Spotlight and Excerpt: Zig Zag Woman by Roberta Tracy

The last thing LAPD Detectives McManus and Tyson expect to find behind Pantages Theatre is a body rolled up in a blanket. The last thing Margaret Morehouse, one of the city's first policewoman with arrest powers, expects to do is join the investigation. When a deadly explosion at the L. A. Times derails their efforts, Margaret finds herself at a crossroads and strikes out on her own, a path leading to delusion and self-discovery on a vaudeville stage. Her husband's nephew Leland further complicates the situation by sharing a ransom note and confiding his failure to report his wife's disappearance at the Dominguez Air Meet.

A brief stint as a magician's assistant takes Margaret to Chicago, where she almost signs on as a zig zag girl, the term used for ladies performing in the "cutting-a-woman-in-two" illusion. Instead, Margaret returns to the tumultuous world of early twentieth century Los

Angeles. Reunited with McManus and Tyson, she confronts prejudices and societal norms in efforts to identify a body, clear Leland's name, and topple the stranglehold one powerful, amoral person has over many lives. Their efforts lead to dead ends and misconceptions before truth comes to light. Love is rekindled and danger uncovered in unlikely places. Margaret goes from Zig Zag Girl to Zig Zag Woman, no longer cut in two but headed on a clearer path.


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Tyson was forced to wear the wig, black veil, and amethyst skirt that night because they wouldn’t look good on his partner. McManus was the handsomer of the two, but no disguise could conceal those broad shoulders, wide enough to carry a steamer trunk, and belly paunched by schooners of beer.

They'd been ordered to stroll arm in arm along the streets of Boyle Heights, Tyson in taffeta and McManus in tweed. Once accosted, they were to capture the Rapist, although how they were to bind and haul him off to jail with only a single trolley running late at night was beyond anyone's understanding.

With Margaret and McManus standing by, Mary Ellen Tyson assembled an outfit from a trunkful of clothing once worn by her deceased grandmother. Her husband would have preferred wearing long johns in public, but, as they all kept reminding him, time was of the essence. 

Early experience as a staff greeting card writer introduced Roberta Tracy to witty people who shared the writer’s dream. Marriage, motherhood, and career intervened, but she maintained that creative desire.

A degree in nonprofit management led her to work situations where newsletters, grant proposals, and business correspondence took precedence. Still, she wrote poetry, some of which won prizes and publication, and children’s books set in worldwide locations. Recently, she co-authored Come Dream With Me, a part travelogue, part hippie nostalgia work of creative nonfiction, detailing the adventures of colleague Inese Civkulis.

No matter what writing projects unfold in the future, she'll never find enough words to thank family and friends for their inspiration and encouragement.

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Friday, July 5, 2024

Book Spotlight and Excerpt: The Dream Collector: Sabrine & Vincent van Gogh by R.W. Meek


Sabrine, hospitalized for five years at the infamous Salpêtrière Asylum for Women, gains her release due to intervention of her sister Julie Forette and a young Sigmund Freud. The reunited sisters are introduced to the dazzling art milieu of 1886 Paris, and soon become close friends to the leading Impressionists. Sabrine attracts a cult following as a poetess, the enigmatic "Haiku Princess." Seemingly cured by Freud of her Grand Hysteria, Sabrine soon enters into a tumultuous relationship with Vincent van Gogh.


Julie and Sigmund Freud, alarmed by the eerie parallels between the emotionally volatile couple and their self-destructive impulses, begin an urgent search to discover the root causes for Sabrine and Vincent's growing psychoses. Julie, 'The Dream Collector' seeks their most unforgettable dream for Freud's interpretation and revelations occur.


The Dream Collector is an exploration of the psychological consequences of betrayal, abandonment--and the redemptive power of art.

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“Gifts for Christmas”

 NO PROMISED correspondence from Vincent, until two weeks into the new year a letter arrived from the asylum.


January 12, 1890

Dear Mademoiselle Forette,

Duty requires me to inform you that Monsieur van Gogh had another mental disturbance.  Happening on Christmas morning, while painting. I was assigned to accompany him, and to be truthful, feeling glum as I wished to be with my mother and sisters on such a holy day. He set up his canvas on a ridge at our nearby ravine. Him   painting the cliffs, caves and river below for near an hour until he turned to me with a worrisome look.

“I do not know where I am,” he said.

Forgetting his whereabouts greatly upset him. He dropped the paintbrush, his palette slipped from his hand, and he grew agitated as to what he should do? I grabbed him, I believe in the nick of time, as he stepped closer to the edge, surely ready to fall headlong into the ravine. It would have been a treacherous tumble, I can tell you, and certain death.

Maybe the Saint of Strength came to my aid on such a holy morning, for Monsieur van Gogh fought and struggled but I held firm, not letting him get an inch closer to the edge. Thank all the saints I know, as Monsieur Vincent finally gave up his battle with me, his wish to jump, he going weak in the knees, so I  could bring him, half-drag him back to Saint Paul’s.

Monsieur Trabuc, a charitable man, did all he could to help me get the patient put in his room. But Mademoiselle, as soon as we relax our grip, he runs, we follow, he scrambling like a Marseilles crab fleeing the pot and bolts into his painting room, pushing everything heavy he can find to block the door. Me and Monsieur Trabuc heave together at the door until there's just enough space to squeeze my way inside.

There's our Monsieur, a sight! Paint smeared all over his mug, as guilty looking as if we caught him eating a rhubarb pie. And will you believe, Mademoiselle, he’s got a bunch of paint tubes he’s starting to squeeze into his mouth. I'm thinking fast, that stuff is sure poison, but I can’t be hurting his painting hand so I boxer punch him one hard across the chin. He's out for the count. I set to getting the mess from out of his mouth with my own hand, then Monsieur Trabuc and me take him down to the tubs, plopping him in the water. Ice cold it is, but those who know better say it takes the fire out of their heads.

He calmed down, but for the next five days he did a lot of talking to himself, or to somebody, maybe the Good Lord. Dr. Peyron calls it “de-men-sha.”

Yours in faith,

Jean Francois Poulet               

P.S.  He does sob, on occasion, something terrible. Whether sense and peace of mind will return to Monsieur Vincent, I do not know and cannot say, but I pray to my mother's special saints that he will recover.

R.w. Meek has a Master’s degree in Art History from the American University in Washington, D.C., his areas of expertise are Impressionism and Post-Impressionism, with a particular interest in Vincent van Gogh.

His first novel The Dream Collector “Sabrine & Sigmund Freud” was voted runner-up by the Historical Fiction Company for best novel of 2022.

Born in Baltimore, he currently resides with his wife Pamela in Santa Clarita, California. He’s passionate about art, cinema, literature and jazz. His two dogs, Reve and Banjo, were awarded angelic status in heaven.

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