
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Marketing your novel

Since I am not Stephen King, my name is not going to automatically sell my book. Since I do not have an advertising budget, the best way to get my work out there is by word of mouth. I spent most of yesterday creating a fan page on Facebook. I updated my blog page today which leaves my web page. I also ordered some business cards with the book's image with ordering information which I will pass out to my friends who hopefully will pass along to their friends etc.

I did visit four bookstores yesterday - 3 independent stores and one major chain. Two independent stores were not interested - both stated they did not generate the walk in traffic. One independent store owner told me winter is not the time for book signings - weather plays a major factor as does the months following Christmas as the bills start pouring in! I was given the name of their events coordinator who may be able to work something out in the spring. As for the major chain, that may be more difficult since my publisher is not one of the major publishing houses contracted with their company. However local authors do have book signings so I will follow up with a phone call.

February will be difficult for marketing and promotion purposes as I am still working full-time. My retirement date is March 5th. By that time my business cards will have arrived and my web page will be up and running. My marketing strategies will include hitting all the bookstores in the yellow pages. If there are any struggling authors out there with some helpful tips, feel free.

I had been working on the sequel but had to put the work on the backburner as promoting the book is a priority. Most important however are Alex's basketball games and Ana's upcoming dance competitions.

I also have my Soldiers Angels mentor responsibilities. Check out Angels sign up to adopt a soldier for the duration of his/her deployment. The commitment is one snail mail per week and one care package per month. There are multiple teams for people who cannot doing the monthly commitment.

Wouldn't mind having a clone or an AI - that would make life so much easier but then what fun is there in that!

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