
Saturday, March 19, 2011

History Trivia

March 19,235 Maximinus Thrax was proclaimed Emperor of Rome.1179 The Third Lateran Council of the Catholic church called a crusade against Cathar heretics in Toulouse.
1227 Ugo di Segni became Pope Gregory IX.Deeply religious and stoutly behind the Crusading movement, Gregory's education and experience in diplomacy barely prepared him for the long struggle with Emperor Frederick II that marked his papacy. 1307 The Douglas Larder raid - Sir James Douglas was a Scot who returned home from school in Paris to find his estates had been claimed and occupied by an Englishman, Robert de Clifford. Joining with Robert the Bruce for a time, he returned in an attempt to take back his land, attacking his own castle three times. After his final assault, known as the Douglas Larder, he razed the castle to the ground. 1330 Edmund Plantaganet, Earl of Kent died.Edmund was the younger brother of King Edward II of England. He was a staunch supporter of his brother, and after his murder in September, 1327, Edmund was led to believe Edward was s still alive and threw in his lot with a conspiracy to return him to the throne. For this he was arrested and beheaded, though his eldest son was allowed to inherit his title.

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