
Sunday, August 19, 2012

An Interview with author Leah Crichton

Welcome to Meet The Author! Today Leah Crichton has stopped by to give us a little insight into her life and her books.  So let’s get started.

Please tell us a little about yourself.
I’m 32 and married with children. By day, I work in GIS (I make maps), by night aspiring YA author and best seller hopeful. I love music almost as much as I love writing. I’m slightly addicted to various flavors of lip gloss and have a massive coffee habit.

When did you start writing?
Does Kindergarten count? I’ve always written. My dad is an author as well and growing up I thought it was “normal” for people to write books. The younger years were filled with great imaginative stories, whilst my teen years are mostly documented with angst-ridden poetry.

What projects have been published?
Only one.  Amaranthine. But I have my second novel completed (it’s out with Beta readers now) and the third one on the go.

Tell us about Amaranthine.
Amaranthine is the story of a young girl who is involved in a life-changing moment (a car accident) that leaves her questioning what is important and what is not. It deals with mortality and the realization that life is too short to take for granted. Add a swoon-worthy boy and an out of this world twist and that’s the book in a nutshell.

How did you select the title of your novel?
Brace yourself for the most unoriginal answer in existence. A thesaurus. Amaranthine means everlasting, eternal, unfading, undying. It’s also a flower. I needed something that meant forever.

What was your inspiration?
For the actual story itself it was two songs that played back to back on my iPod. The lyrics sparked the idea and I went home that night to begin writing.

What are you currently working on?
Book two of my first ever series! The series is about a rock boy band who hit the big time. Each band member has a story to tell so I figure I should be able to pump out four novels for it.

What are you reading at the moment?
City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare.

What do you like to do in your free time when you're not reading or writing?
I have kids. I don’t know what this “free time” you speak of is.  But I do enjoy photography, concert going, warm places, and socializing with friends.

Do you have any advice for other authors?
Write something every day. Even when you don’t want to. Even when you’re tired/achy/sick/bored. It’s important. If you can get at least a paragraph or two written in a day at least you’re keeping those cogs inside your brain working.

And finally, can you tell us some fun facts about yourself, such as crossed skydiving off my bucket list.
I have too many things on my bucket list---I’ll never get them all done. If a personality could be physically seen, you’d probably never catch mine. I’m constantly on go mode. I paint my house like every six months or rearrange the furniture because I get bored. My hair has been black, blonde, brown, red, pink, purple, because I don’t like “normal” and I get sick of looking the same way for too long. I love huge clunky jewelry (especially bracelets), tattoos, and my iPod. I suffer from insomnia because I can never seem to stop thinking.  None of that is all too interesting but there you have it—me—in a nutshell.

To find out more about Leah, visit:
Twitter: @LDCrichton;

To purchase Leah’s books:
Barnes and Noble:

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