
Sunday, November 18, 2012

An Interview with author Suz Korb

Welcome to Meet The Author! Today Suz Korb has stopped by to give us a little insight into her life and her books.  So let’s get started.

Please tell us a little about yourself.

I’m Hawaiian. Well, not really. I say I’m Hawaiian because I was born there and sometimes it’s just easier to say I’m Hawaiian than saying I’m White, Japanese, Black and Native American. Although, I am proud of my heritage, so sometimes I do tell my full nationality background. And then I go off on a monologue about my ancestry and etc., and by the time I’m finished people really regret asking me about meself. lol! Anyway, I was born in Hawaii, raised in Utah and now I’m living and writing in England. Sorry, that didn’t turn out to be a “little” bit about me, did it?

 When did you start writing?

I’ve written bits and bobs throughout my life. Stories as a kid. Journalism and PR work as an adult. It was in 2009 that I started writing novel length fiction. My first ever novel was a supernatural Chick Lit about the devil, who was a woman.

What projects have been published?

All three books in my Bedeviled trilogy are available on Amazon. They are FREE to Prime customers. The Bedeviled trilogy novels are supernatural teen comedy-horror reads, each containing a *ting* of magical romance.
Tell us about your novels.

 Eve Eden vs. the Zombie Horde was my first novel in the Bedeviled trilogy. The premise of it kicked off the series with Eve being forced to rid her small town of zombies with her newly- found supernatural abilities. These books will be available in paperback soon.

How did you select the title of your novels?

I knew it was always going to be Eve against the forces of evil, so all my titles in this series are Eve (good) vs. Bad Guys (evil) but I couldn’t just title all the novels Eve vs. Evil. Although, that short title is not half bad either! lol

What was your inspiration?

Fallen angels. I think they are so cool looking with their black wings.

What are you currently working on?

I’m currently swapping genres to write some Christmas Chick Lit stories in time for the holidays. I’ll return to writing Paranormal Young Adult Romance in the New Year.

What are you reading at the moment?

Aloha From Hell by Richard Kadrey. It’s book 3 in the Sandman Slim series. I love Kadrey’s cynical and sarcastic writing style. The demonic situations combined with clever whit makes the characters leap from the page.

What do you like to do in your free time when you're not reading or writing?

Faff about on twitter, facebook and youtube for their makeup tutorials. I like watching films, mostly actiony movies. My fave TV shows that are on at the moment are The Vampire Diaries, True Blood, Game of Thrones and Red Dwarf X.

Do you have any advice for other authors?

 For self-published authors I’d say: keep at it. I’ve been a self-published author for a year now. There have been tremendous ups and downs throughout my short career. The one thing I’ve always been able to count on when things get tough is online support. There’s a massive writing community online. Establish contacts. Create friendships. Support each other and you’ll come out winning. Giving each other book exposure online can lead to your work being listed in Amazon’s bestseller lists and that’s where you want to be for real readers to see.

 And finally, can you tell us some fun facts about yourself, such as: crossed skydiving off my bucket list.

 I used to be so much more fun when I was younger. Been white water river rafting. Moved countries. Worked on films and TV shows as an Extra. Broke my left arm in half when I was twelve and needed two surgeries to fix it over the course of a year. Now? I write. Not that writing isn’t fun. It is. So much fun, and incredibly painful to leave your characters after creating them when you get to the end of a novel, or worse, a whole series!


To find out more about Suz Korb visit

Suz’s webpage: where you can “like” her Facebook page. Follow her on Twitter: @SuzKorb and visit her blog for writerly advice and support anytime.

 To purchase




1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for hosting my interview, Mary Ann! xx
