
Monday, September 30, 2013

Save the Date: October 11, 2013 - Home Wrecker II - The Brooklyn Chronicles by Brenda Perlin - book launch event on Facebook

Please join the online Facebook party October 11th at 1:00 pm (PST) where there will be loads of fun - games and prizes. There is also random Ebook giveaways leading up to the event!  Don't delay, check out the site today to win.

Brooklyn Rosen had high moral principles and was raised properly. Married for over fifteen years, those standards went out the window along with her fidelity when she met Bo. After becoming a self-proclaimed “Home Wrecker” Brooklyn left behind her marital home, along with the damage caused by her emotional wrecking ball. But the whispered remarks followed.

In “Home Wrecker: The Brooklyn Chronicles” we learn what shaped Brooklyn, the trials of an unhappy marriage and a deep abiding love that would not be denied. We meet a troubled, spiteful wife, who does not want to become an “ex”.

Will Brooklyn and Bo survive, or will all be lost to a bitter woman?
A sneak peek
"On the day that I left for good, I remember getting into my car like I always did. While driving out of the garage I watched our dog Grace watching me drive away. I knew it would be for the last time. Fortunately, she wouldn’t remember any of it. As for me, I wouldn’t be able to get that image out of my head. As I drove away, tears filled my eyes. The guilt that I felt at that moment was insurmountable. Those tears that I cried were the only tears that I shed throughout that entire time period. Never once did I cry for my husband."
Need information about the first book? 
If you haven’t read Home Wrecker I, here's your chance to pick up a copy:

“Brooklyn and Bo, each unhappily married to others, must decide whether to stay with their spouses or give up everything for their love.”

Home Wrecker: The Brooklyn Chronicles provides a look into the heart and mind of a woman who cheated on her marriage and the reasons why it happened. It is honest. It is real. It is the story of what made Brooklyn the woman she is today, the decisions made that put her on the path she walks today, and it does it with an openness and honesty not found in many such stories. The book is well written and grabbed me from the beginning and held my attention until the very end.” – Crystal Schall, The Book Rack

Home Wrecker II: The Brooklyn Chronicles puts the reader on a journey through the eyes of the main character, Brooklyn Rosen. Her story, at times, is excruciatingly honest and evokes one’s own self-reflection throughout the reading experience. However, through the devastation and tribulations, the reader will also gain an insight to the inspiring strength of the heroine as she struggles toward personal happiness.
Hope to see you on Facebook,

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you luck with the the book launch of Home Wrecker II, Brenda. n x
