
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Crowd-funded publisher, Britain’s Next Bestseller, launches Kerry J Donovan's Sci-fi Thriller - The Transition of Johnny Swift

Kerry says:

 Come and join us for fun contests and great prizes on April Fool's Day to celebrate the launch of my new novel, which will be available for pre-order from Britain's Next Bestseller from the 28th of March onwards: (

If I generate enough orders, I'll receive a full publishing contract from BNBS, so I appreciate everyone's support in helping me reach this goal.

I'll be sharing more about the book and the prizes soon, but here is a taste of what's up for grabs:

~ 2 x signed paperbacks of my crime novel, DCI Jones Casebook: Ellis Flynn!

~ PLUS a FREE e-version of DCI Jones Casebook: Ellis Flynn for EVERY pre-order of The Transition of Johnny Swift! Thats two full novels for the price of one!

~ My crime novelette, DCI Jones Casebook: Raymond Francis Collins will be going free sometime in the next fortnight, and I'll announce it here first!

~ a $25 Amazon Gift Card

~ 16 e-books from a wide range of fabulous UK and international authors

~ 5 other paperbacks

And two grand prizes for the other authors out there:

~ A Professional Poetry Critique


~ A Professional 5000 word copy-edit from a Former Editor of the Daily Mail Online!!
Click on the link to participate:
 Tuesday, April 1 at 6:30pm in UTC+01


"When twenty-four-year-old racing driver, Frank Brazier wakes in a hospital bed after a horrific rail crash, he’s blind, wracked in pain, and confused. He’s hallucinating, hearing voices. The voices call to him from the darkness.
In the next room, his sister, Paula, is on life support. The doctors say she’s dead and want to pull the plug, but Frank knows better—one of the voices he hears is from Paula!
Frank has no one to turn to for help, but his girlfriend, Jenny, and the mysterious, ominous Shadow-man. But who is the Shadow-man? What’s his game..."
Comments please, but only if they're nice.
More tomorrow, when I'll start giving you some information on the cast of characters. Starting of course, with the lead, 'Fiery' Frank Brazier...

Some Background Info:
Kerry J Donovan was born in Dublin in the late 1950s, before the time of mobile phones and twenty-four-hour television. He spent most of his life in the UK, and now lives in Brittany with his long-suffering wife of thirty-seven years. He has three children and three grandchildren, all of whom live in England. He is an absentee granddad and praises the advent of video calling.

Kerry earned a first class honours degree in Human Biology, and has a PhD in Sport and Exercise Sciences. He earns a living as a furniture designer/maker and writer. He is a regular contributor to UK-based hobby magazines, and writes the occasional short story for online magazines, Gore!

Family apart, Kerry has three loves: making furniture, sport, and writing (but not necessarily in that order).

For as long as he can remember, he has written for pleasure. Now the children are grown, he is devoting more time to his fiction writing.

Kerry published The DCI Jones Casebook: Raymond Francis Collins, in May 2013, and the second Casebook installment, Ellis Flynn in November 2013. Both are available in e-versions, and you can buy Ellis Flynn in paperback. 

In March 2014, crowd-funded publisher, Britain’s Next Bestseller, invited Kerry to be one of their launch authors. They loved his Sci-fi/Thriller, The Transition of Johnny Swift, which is due for publication in the summer.

Contact info:

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