Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Book Spotlight and Snippet: The Warmth of Snow by Heidi Eljarbo

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There must be a way to thaw a heart long frozen. Can she help him, or does he have other plans?

Sweden 1810.
August Brandell, the count of Linborg, has returned home after four years of war against the French Empire under the direction of Napoléon Bonaparte. Wounded and downtrodden, he is a meager shadow of the man he used to be.
One day, a lovely young woman comes calling. She’s strong and bright and, unlike the rest, seems unaffected by his wealth and unfortunate disability. He soon discovers he wants more than a sweet friendship, but a life of caring for him would not be fair to such a beautiful soul. Oh, how dearly, deeply he loves her and secretly wants her to stay, but he cannot and will not ask such a sacrifice from her…especially not when it’s out of pity for him.

Erica Gustava Ebbesdotter has primarily been left to herself since she was orphaned at an early age. Although grateful to her aunt and uncle for taking her in, they pay her no attention and even keep her in the dark about her parents. 
Hearing about Count Brandell’s unfortunate fate on the battlefield, she knocks on the door at Castle Linborg to leave him a card of encouragement.

Meeting Count Brandell changes Erica’s entire world. Falling for him is utterly unexpected. Soon, he fills her heart, but he is far above her station. How can a man like him see beyond her less refined clothes and past? Worst of all, he is already betrothed.

This is a sweet and wholesome historical romance—a hauntingly beautiful tale of two hearts meant to be together.


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 This title is available to read with #KindleUnlimited.

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THE NEXT DAY, Erica decided to take Ingela’s advice and ride by Castle Linborg. Even if the count preferred to keep to himself, he might be encouraged by a token of goodwill. It would not hurt to try. Anything that would bring a smile to someone’s face or stir a sentiment of good cheer in someone’s heart was worth the little time and effort she put into it. Besides, why listen to rumors? Erica had always favored a proper, personal acquaintance to blindly believing in other people’s thoughts and comments. Gossip was too often malicious and hurtful, made up of ignorance and hearsay, and spread by those filled with jealousy. At least, that was her experience growing up in her uncle’s household.

Erica stopped at the entrance of the lane leading up to Castle Linborg. What was the drawback of coming unannounced? The worst she could think of? They could tell her to leave. Then again, maybe they’d open their doors and invite her in. She pulled her shoulders back and urged the horse forward.

The gray stone castle was a pearl of an edifice and undeniably the most impressive and dominant building she’d ever seen. The structure with its many towers and differently shaped windows fronted an austere yet mysterious beauty.

As she dismounted in front of the long stone staircase, a stableboy came running.

“May I take your horse, miss?” he asked politely.

“Thank you.” Erica handed him the reins and started up the staircase to the main entrance.

She counted the steps and stopped halfway where two majestic lions carved in stone adorned either side. Such amazing craftmanship. She stroked the cold sculptures then continued up the rest of the stairs, holding onto the thick, stone handrail. Finally, at the top plateau, Erica faced the arched double doors. She pulled the doorbell and waited.

HEIDI ELJARBO grew up in a home full of books, artwork, and happy creativity. She is the author of award-winning historical novels filled with courage, hope, mystery, adventure, and sweet romance in the midst of challenging times. She’s been named a master of dual timelines and often writes about strong-willed women of past centuries.

 After living in Canada, six US states, Japan, Switzerland, and Austria, Heidi now calls Norway home. She lives with her husband on a charming island and enjoys walking their Wheaten Terrier in any kind of weather, hugging her grandchildren, and has a passion for art and history.

Her family’s chosen retreat is a mountain cabin, where they hike in the summer and ski the vast white terrain during winter.

 Heidi’s favorites are her family, God's beautiful nature, and the word whimsical.

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  1. Thank you for hosting Heidi Eljarbo today, with an enticing snippet from The Warmth of Snow.

    Take care,
    Cathie xo
    The Coffee Pot Book Club
