Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Book Spotlight and Excerpt: Autumn and The Silver Moon Stallion by V P Felmlee

 An abused, neglected filly is abandoned on a remote country road, left to die.  A young woman grieves the loss of her best friend, the champion horse she had built her life and future around. The heir to one of the largest ranches in Wyoming comes home to face the ire and disappointment of his grandfather.  A world-renowned scientist clashes with the U.S. government over a brutal, decades-long war to decide the fate of thousands of mustangs, a beloved icon of the American West.  Autumn and The Silver Moon Stallion is their story of love, hatred, and death.  Will their struggles give them hope to fight for their beliefs, or tear them forever apart?


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Al hurried into the garage where the ATV sat and flung the cover off. He checked the fuel, half a tank, more than enough to get him where he wanted.

He straddled it, then keyed the ignition. It started up and he steered it out of the garage, not bothering to close the doors.

Within minutes his clothes were drenched.

He glanced over at the passenger seat. Next to him was the 30-30 caliber rifle he'd taken from his gun cabinet before he left the house. It was getting wet, but he wasn't concerned. In fact, he wasn't concerned about anything.

He grinned as he steered the ATV down the ranch road. He was a man on a mission, finally doing something that made sense.

The machine roared towards the bottom of the switch backs. Al hardly slowed down before taking the first turn. It was muddier than the ranch road. The ATV clawed its way through without any problems.

Al's grin grew wider. The second turn. The ATV fish-tailed a little, skidded in the muck. Maybe take it slower, he admonished himself.

The third turn was coming up, just above Silver Moon Canyon. Al knew there was a turn-off where you could stop and see the bottom end of the canyon. The road was muddier, slicker now. The ATV's lights barely pierced the gloom. He squinted and almost missed the last turn. The ATV fish-tailed again, more seriously this time.

Where was that turn-off? He knew it was to his left. He didn't slow down, instead gunned the ATV faster.

The front tires hit several rocks, the ATV bounced up and down, almost tipping over. The rifle flew out of the seat, disappearing in the rain.

V P Felmlee is the author of The Abandoned Trilogy: Price Tadpole & Princess Clara; Good Boy Ben; and the third book in the series, Autumn and the Silver Moon Stallion. A former newspaper reporter and editor, she has a degree in geology, and has been active in historic preservation and animal welfare issues. Her articles have appeared in several magazines and she has won numerous awards.

She will be the 2025 president of Women Writing the West and lives in Grand Junction, Colorado, with her husband, two dogs, and six cats.

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  1. Thank you very much for hosting VP Felmlee today, with her fabulous book, Autumn and The Silver Moon Stallion!

    Take care,
    Cathie xo
    The Coffee Pot Book Club
