Tuesday, March 15, 2011

History Trivia

March 15, 44 BC – Julius Caesar, Dictator of the Roman Republic, was stabbed to death by Marcus Junius Brutus, Gaius Cassius Longinus, Decimus Junius Brutus and several other Roman senators on the Ides of March. He had appointed his great-nephew, Octavian, as his heir. Civil war broke out between Caesar's assassins and his successors (Mark Antony and Octavian).351 Constantius II elevated his cousin Gallus to Caesar, and put him in charge of the Eastern part of the Roman Empire. 933 After a ten-year truce, German King Henry I defeated a Hungarian army at the Battle of Riade near the Unstrut river.In 924, Henry had agreed to pay tribute to the Magyars and return a hostage chief in exchange for a nine-year halt to raids on German lands. During this truce he built fortified towns and trained cavalry, which he used to combat various other encroaching tribes. When the agreed-upon time had passed, Henry refused to pay another tribute and the Magyars resumed their raids; but the king and his seasoned army destroyed the Magyars at Riade

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