Sunday, March 20, 2011

History Trivia

March 20, 43 BC, Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso), the most versatile of the Roman poets, was born. He is noted for such works as "Metamorphoses" and "Art of Love." 235 Maximinus Thrax was proclaimed emperor. He was the first foreigner to hold the Roman throne. 687: Saint Cuthbert died.Cuthbert was a shepherd and hermit who achieved fame as a holy man, healer, and bishop. 851 Ebbo of Reims died. Bishop in the Carolingian empire and evangelist to Denmark, Ebbo is also known for sponsoring and promoting art and learning. 1413 King Henry IV of England died. 1549 Thomas Seymour was executed. Seymour was an opportunist who used his position as Edward VI's uncle and, more significantly, as the Lord Protector's brother to rise to the rank of Lord Admiral, a position which he abused by dealing with pirates. Seymour married Henry VIII's widow Katherine Parr and pursued the young princess Elizabeth somewhat blatantly, though he never succeeded. When his piratical activities were discovered he was arrested, tried, and executed.

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