Sunday, March 27, 2011

History Trivia

March 29, 1461 The Battle of Towton. Edward of York defeated Queen Margaret to become King Edward IV of England. The deadliest battle of the Wars of the Roses, Towton secured the throne of England for the recently-crowned King Edward IV. The Lancastrians, having failed to take London and prevent the coronation, retreated before the armies of Edward and Warwick. The Yorkists caught up with them on Palm Sunday. The battle raged for 10 hours in a snowstorm until John Mowbray, duke of Norfolk, arrived with fresh troops and the Lancastrians fled. The fugitives were hunted down and slaughtered. 1561 Santorio Santorio was born. Santorio was the first physician to employ instruments of precision to medical practice. His philosophy of using sensory experience before consulting the classical authorities and his experimental procedures contributed greatly to the development of medical science.

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