The Adventures of Cecilia
Spark the Brimstone Forest - is a
delightful story not just for children.
The author has included every imaginable threat to Cecilia’s safety,
from witches to dragons, but with wonderful heroes, including Soldier the
mouse, Senorita Favorita, and Thingamabob.
The story follows Cecilia’s quest to explore the Brimstone Forest, preferring
a dragon hunt over returning home.
Cecilia and Soldier forge ahead, surviving the clutches of killer
plants, but falling victim to the dragon’s trap. Cecilia must defeat the odds in order to return
home, but does she? Find out for
yourself. I look forward to reading
other books by this author.
What a fantastic 'review' of Brimstone Forest. I am so pleased that you enjoyed the adventure with Cecilia Spark. n x