About the Festival |
The 14th Annual BEVERLY HILLS FILM FESTIVAL Entering another successful year, the Beverly Hills Film Festival (BHFF) is an international competition dedicated to showcasing the art and talent of emerging filmmakers in the city globally recognized as the headquarters for VIPs to the motion picture industry. Dedicated to independent filmmakers, the BHFF creates a wonderful screening environment allowing participants to feature their films in the highest quality venues available to consumers around the world. Professionals and industry tastemakers representing all facets of the movie industry have been spotted attending year after year. Designed to bridge the world of premiere independent cinema with the renowned city of Beverly Hills, the BHFF welcomes over 20,000 attendees annually who congregate for 5 days of screenings, poolside celebrity panels, special events, seminars, VIP after parties and deal making. On the fifth and final night of the Festival, the jury (usually made up of professionals from all over the globe) presents it awards in every category usually found in top notch festivals. They honor the finest in cinematic achievement in filmmaking displayed during the competition at an exclusive and heartfelt black-tie Gala Awards usually held at the Four Seasons Hotel each year. |
Title: Ark Writer: Aaron Wroblewski | Title: Life's a Bitch Writer: Ace Cheverez |
Title: Both Sides Writer: Alastair Murdoch | Title: I Give Up Writer: Alessandro Nicolaci |
Title: Patchwork Writer: Amanda Keener | Title: Aurora Writer: Amber Karlins |
Title: Canvas Writer: Andrew Champagne | Title: Born to Fight Writer: Anthony von Sager |
Title: Gamma - Part I: The years of darkness Writer: Anthony Allen | Title: Dreams Writer: Antonio Leonard |
Title: The Killing Kind Writer: Arturo Portillo | Title: Writing Space Writer: Ashley Zeuch |
Title: Jennifer Writer: Austin Priester | Title: Lord of the Primitive Shore Writer: Barbara Westley |
Title: Missed Connection Writer: Bruce Gadel | Title: You Can't Play the Game If You Don't Know the Rules Writer: Burleigh Smith |
Title: Wonder Drug Writer: Caitlin McCarthy | Title: Finally Me Writer: Charles Laulette |
Title: Journey of an Uncommon Mother Writer: Chau Ai Pham | Title: Will Of Fortune Writer: Chloe Bellande |
Title: Human Terrain Writer: Chris Willis | Title: Narcosis Writer: Christopher Drzewiecki |
Title: Prophet Writer: Cliff Pulliam | Title: Wired - The Movie Writer: Craig Schenning |
Title: A Weightless Thought Writer: Craig Stewart | Title: All of Lucy's Lovers Writer: Danijel Gujic |
Title: DARPA Secrets Writer: David Bugay | Title: The Reunion Writer: David Harry Rowlands |
Title: The Gurgitator Writer: David Klein Klein | Title: Lost Cause Writer: David Schroeder |
Title: The Reluctant Knight Writer: David Yuzuk | Title: Crossways Writer: Dean Watts |
Title: Honeysuckles and Blood Writer: Debra Johnson | Title: Project P.A.R.I.S. Writer: Dennis Douda |
Title: In the Wrong Hands Writer: Dianna Zimmerman | Title: Focus Writer: Duncan Payne |
Title: Super Vampire Writer: Eduardo Soto-Falcon | Title: Vagueness Writer: Eleutherios Kakathimis |
Title: Eldridge Writer: Evan Manning | Title: Rear Naked Choke Writer: Evan McNamara |
Title: The Power of Faith-The Untold Story Writer: Gabi Mor | Title: Spinning Writer: Gene Pina |
Title: The Summer of Love Writer: George Petersen | Title: Hop-On Hop-Off Writer: Hannah Leskosky |
Title: Deja Duet Writer: Heather Mehudar | Title: A Lost Tribe in Amsterdam Writer: Ian Sax |
Title: Requiem Writer: Irene Suver | Title: Edge of Mania Writer: Irina Tuchinsky |
Title: Mammon Writer: J.C. Millen | Title: Go Long Writer: James White |
Title: God's Will Writer: Jamison Derfler | Title: Soccer Balls Writer: Jason Doeren |
Title: Rexford All-Stars Writer: Jason Fulani | Title: Conjurers Writer: Jason Lan Hing Vee |
Title: Nobody's Child Writer: Jay Blumenkopf | Title: Survival of the Fittest Writer: Jeff Affrunti |
Title: Sociopath Writer: Jeff Sussman | Title: Grace Writer: Jeffrey A. Russel/Lynda Lemberg |
Title: Rex Adam & Me Writer: Jeffrey May | Title: Where the Green Grass Grows Writer: Jeremy Elliott |
Title: Delmorian Poesy Writer: Jeremy Rafuse | Title: The Last Day Of Summer Writer: Jeremy Wulc |
Title: The Parts In-Between Writer: Jimmy Monack | Title: Lobison Writer: Joe 'Tuffy' Tofuri |
Title: Out of the Box Writer: Joe Randazzo | Title: The Healer Writer: Joey Kent |
Title: New York Lobby, 3:00 a.m. Writer: John Burdeaux | Title: Task Force Baum - Patton's Top Secret WWII Raid Writer: John Lock |
Title: Cold Quiet Country Writer: John Spare | Title: Max's Fantastic Adventures - The Well Of Lost Souls Writer: Jonathan Bucari |
Title: A Noble Truth Writer: Jonathan LaPoma | Title: Becky Writer: Joseph Hughes |
Title: In the Cargo Writer: Judianny Compres | Title: Little Girl Found Writer: Julian Renner |
Title: A Hundred Realities Writer: Karel Coates | Title: Dolphin's Song Writer: Kathy Krantz Stewart |
Title: Brewster Commons Writer: Kay Poiro | Title: The Seedling Writer: Kevin Howard |
Title: Of Punks And Posers Writer: Kyra Nicole Rogers | Title: A Mountain Lion Story Writer: Lance Sadia |
Title: The Sizzling Steg Writer: Lane Bristow | Title: Molokai Writer: Lee Costanzo |
Title: Storm Dragons Writer: Leonardo Reis | Title: Irish Grudge Writer: Leslie Flannery |
Title: Dangerous Ground Writer: Lili Matta | Title: Everything But Love Writer: Lisa J. Mitchell / Joseph Dial |
Title: Aoede's 'What Are Dreams Made Of?' Writer: Lisa Sniderman | Title: Bioterror Conspiracy Writer: Louis Lio |
Title: The Remake Writer: Lynne Alana Delaney | Title: Bob Dooley Writer: Margina Sisson |
Title: How to Be a Good Christian Writer: Mark Kalriess | Title: The Briton and the Dane Writer: Mary Ann Bernal |
Title: Underneath Her Skin Writer: Maud Lazzerini | Title: High School Orientation Writer: Michael Berner |
Title: The Return of Set Writer: Michael Buchanan | Title: The Spy and the Fence Writer: Michael Gibrall |
Title: Breed of Crows Writer: Michael Reynolds | Title: Divinity Writer: Michelle Brezinski |
Title: Mademoiselle Writer: Nathan Goldman | Title: Dark Matter Writer: Olga Holtz |
Title: Kentucky House Writer: Patricia M. Mahon | Title: Jessie-The Golden Heart Writer: Peggy Roger-Carey |
Title: Cebu Writer: Peter Bacho | Title: Cornflowers Writer: Philip Henson |
Title: Olivia's Oath Writer: Philip Sedgwick | Title: The Beauty of Letting Go Writer: Rachel Howard |
Title: Sgraffito Writer: Rachel Zake | Title: Rose Colored Shades Writer: Randy Sparks |
Title: Tobacco Roses Writer: Raymond Harrison | Title: The Crimson Confession Writer: Raymond Just |
Title: A Cult Film Writer: Richard Levine | Title: Danny Boy Writer: Rick Mole |
Title: Buried Writer: Robbi D'Allessandro | Title: The Shrouds of Halloween Writer: Romaner Strong |
Title: Master Connections Writer: Ronald Townsen | Title: At Last Writer: Rubi Herrera |
Title: Spencer Writer: Sam Gasch | Title: Absolute Zero Writer: Scott Caswell |
Title: Rendezvous Writer: Seth Kozak | Title: The FlipSide Writer: Shakira Gamble |
Title: Mass Exodus Writer: Shaun Delliskave | Title: Nevada V-I Writer: Simon King |
Title: A Short Encounter Writer: Stanley Eisenhammer | Title: Life More Perfect Writer: Steve Brechtel |
Title: The Frequency Check Writer: Steve Kaleff | Title: The Great Quest Writer: Steve Weissman |
Title: The Tapestry Writer: Steven Prowse | Title: The Sleeping House Writer: Suzanne Griffin |
Title: Three Men and a Dragon Writer: Suzy Stein | Title: No Blood For Oil Writer: Ted King |
Title: Cold Current Writer: Terrance Mitchell Thibideaux | Title: White Powder, Dirty Money Writer: Thomas O. Mitchell |
Title: Patriote Peril Writer: Thomas Thorpe | Title: Codependency Writer: Tiffany Jaide Hightower |
Title: Hang Them High Writer: Tom Zarnowski | Title: How Rock and Roll Changed The World Writer: Tracy Kowalski |
Title: Anna (Inspired By The True Story of Anna Smith) Writer: Tron Griffin | Title: The Team Writer: Troy Sweeney |
Title: Cream Cakes Writer: Vicki Bartholomew | Title: Kill Yourself For Me Writer: Vojin Vasovic |
Title: Troublesome Creek Writer: Wesley Mullins | Title: The Method, The Madness Writer: William Huntsman http://beverlyhillsfilmfestival.com/index.php |
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