Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Magic Unleashed: Bewitching the Immortal by Brenda Sparks is Now Available! Read an Exclusive Excerpt!


In the shadowed realm where death and magic intertwine, the Grim Reaper dutifully guides souls to the afterlife without question--that is until the night Azrael encounters Tabetha Calderon. Far from ordinary, the witch presents an unprecedented challenge: her soul cannot be taken.

Tabetha’s life, a delicate balance of spells and secrets, is shattered by a mysterious murder that leaves her soul restless. Desperate for justice, she and Azrael embark on a perilous journey to uncover the truth. As they unravel the web of deceit surrounding her death, their bond deepens into a whirlwind of forbidden love and desire.

As they edge closer to discovering the truth, fate intervenes, threatening to tear them apart, and Azrael faces an impossible choice between his duty and his heart. Can their love transcend death itself, or will Tabetha forever be lost to the shadows?


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Universal Buy Link: https://books2read.com/b/3RWBRn

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Apple Books: https://books.apple.com/us/book/bewitching-the-immortal/id6605920669

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Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/217148552-bewitching-the-immortal 

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An ember flew from the dying fire as if it spit the last of its breath. The sparks passed through the witch’s soul and landed in the shadow on the floor. It rolled up to the head of the shadow.

Head? What? A chill raced up the Grim Reaper’s spine. That can’t be! Souls don’t have shadows.

Azrael’s gaze raked the floor in disbelief, seeking an explanation. Finding none, he scanned the room, determined to find the cause, but though impossible, the shadow came from Tabetha’s soul.

Just as he opened his mouth to mention the oddity, Tabetha’s form solidified. The next second, the beautiful witch’s body wavered and faded until it was once again ethereal. If he’d blinked at the wrong time, he’d have missed it.

Surprise widened Azrael’s eyes, and his mouth gaped open. “How did you do that?”

“Do what?” asked Tabetha.

“Become solid?” His heart raced.

“I do not know what you are talking about.”

“You were solid. I saw you become solid. Ordinarily, souls can’t do that.”

Tabetha shrugged, and both eyebrows jacked up onto her forehead. “Maybe I’m not an ordinary soul.”

 “Perhaps you aren’t.” Azrael rubbed his chin thoughtfully before he continued, ticking each point off on a finger as he listed them. “You can’t remember how you died. You are a witch. You just became corporeal. I think you are very special indeed.”

After a thoughtful pause, during which he eyed this amazing soul, he continued. “I think we better go.”

“Are you taking me to Summerland?”

“Summerland? As in heaven for witches?” Azrael shook his hair, scattering his raven bangs about his forehead. “No. I can’t reap your soul if you can turn corporeal. I’m going to have to take you somewhere other than the afterlife.”

Tabetha fisted her hands on her hips as her deep blue eyes flared slightly. “If we aren’t going to Summerland, where are we going then?”

As much as he knew he shouldn’t, there was no other choice.

Azrael pursed his lips together. “I’m taking you to the land of the immortals.”

Brenda Sparks has always loved all things spooky and enjoys incorporating paranormal elements in her writing. She refuses to allow pesky human constraints to get in the way of telling the story. Luckily, the only thing limiting her stories is her imagination. Her characters are powerful and courageous, so she adores spending time with them in their imaginary world.

Her idea of a perfect day is one spent in front of a computer with a hot cup of coffee, her fingers flying over the keys to send her characters off on their latest adventure.

Brenda loves to connect with readers. Please visit her online or at her website: www.brenda-sparks.com

Author Links:

Website: http://brenda-sparks.com/index.html

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/brenda-sparks

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Brenda-Sparks/e/B00B7AJBBQ/ 

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Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Brenda-Sparks/e/B00B7AJBBQ/ 

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  1. Thank you for hosting my story on your wonderful blog, Mary Ann. It is always an honor to be featured. I love Halloween, so writing a story focused around the holiday about the grim reaper and a ghostly witch was so much fun. Even though Bewitching the Immortal is part of my new series, it is a stand-alone novella. Best of all, you can purchase Bewitching the Immortal for 50% off. It is currently on sale for only $0.99. I hope you and your readers have a magical day.
